Artist: Kamini
Rap: Hip-Hop

Psychostar World
Year: 2007
Tracks: 12
French hip-hop artist Kamini Zantoko was born December 8, 1979, in the suburbia of Nouvion-en-Thierache, a scant distance from the village of Marly-Gomont. Born into a Congolese kinsperson and growth up in a region that was about ubiquitously andrew D. White would bid him a singular perspective that would serve him well in the foresighted operate. His breakthrough hit, "Marly-Gomont," humorously described his experiences as one of only a few black faces in settlement France. Utilizing the Web to popularise his music and videos rather than traditional music industry channels, Zantoko entered the spot in 2007 as an Internet-made renown. After earning his B.A. in Picardy, Zantoko took work as a psychiatrical nurse. He fagged lots of his free time working with friends on music, producing "Marly-Gomont" in the strike of 2006. Though the data track diverted the record execs wHO heard it, all took a pass on the project. Releasing the call on Fun Radio, Skyrock, and Contact FM, Kamini earned almost instant renown, gaining far greater recognition in a calendar month than the erst uninterested labels could own offered him in a year. Kamini was named one of Time magazine's 15 personalities Innate on the Web in 2006. Follow-up singles such as "J'Suis Blanc" (playing with racial function reversal) and "Un P'tit Coup de Motherfuck" (thrusting merriment at other French rap artists wHO excessively identify with American gang culture) paved the way for Kamini's first full-length record, Psychostar World, which was released in May of 2007. The track record strike the Top Ten on interior charts, earning a spot on Billboard's European Top one C. Though exceedingly successful, Zantoko remains committed to his vocation as a wellness maintenance supplier, finally intending to regress to his position as a psychiatric give suck.